Jewellery Care

We hope you enjoy your handcrafted jewellery. Please follow the care instructions below to help you care for your jewellery so that you can continue enjoying it for a long time to come.

General Care

Avoid wearing jewellery when you apply perfumes, makeup, hair products and moisturising lotions, as these can cause tarnishing and damage to pieces.  We advise putting on jewellery last when getting dressed to avoid this problem.   Also, avoid wearing your jewellery while showering, swimming, cleaning the house, or exercising.


When they are not being worn, please store individual jewellery items separately, to prevent items rubbing against each other.  Wrap in acid-free tissue paper and store in a separate box, or in an airtight plastic bag, to avoid tarnishing.  We recommend allowing your jewellery a few moments to air dry before placing into storage, so as to allow any moisture that has been retained from contact with your skin to evaporate.


Please handle enamelled pieces with care.  Try to avoid allowing pieces to rub against each other as this can cause chipping of the enamel, and of course, take care not to drop or scratch your pieces. When cleaning, use a soft brush and warm water. Avoid use of acidic solutions as this can damage the surface texture.


Silver is a very soft metal.  Avoid abrasive cleaning solutions, and follow the relevant instructions below.

Matte surfaces: Clean with a lint free cloth or soft toothbrush, using soap and warm water. Gently pat the piece dry with a soft cloth. Avoid abrasive polishing cloths.

Polished surfaces:   Use a professional silver cleaning product and a soft polishing cloth to clean these items.

For more environmentally friendly methods of cleaning silver click here.


Be gentle when cleaning, as abrasive items may rub the plated surface off.  If necessary, use a soft cloth, with mild soapy water and pat dry gently with a soft dry cloth.


We offer a cleaning and re-plating service for our pieces. Please contact Karolina for further information and prices.